Message from the Editor

Hi! Welcome to the Bear Blogs, the official TASIS Dorado school newspaper.

My name is Karina Navarro ‘21, and I am the editor-in-chief alongside the editor’s staff of Katherine Parnell ‘21, Melanie Ríos Otero ‘21, and Angela Santos Rodríguez ‘21. We are a club at TASIS Dorado that focuses on learning about journalism and writing first hand with articles written by our editors and club members about various events and subjects that pertain to our school. The Bear Blogs is meant to be a new and exciting way to get an inside look at our community, and we are proud to demonstrate that through our editions. We thank the TASIS Dorado staff, especially Mr. Omar González, our advisor, for believing in us and our work, and I cannot wait to see what the Bear Blog continues to become as time goes on.

We hope that you enjoy reading our articles, and if you have any questions, comments, or article recommendations, please feel free to reach out to Karina Navarro at or
advisor Omar González at


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