
Nurtures creative, informed citizens for lives of leadership and service

Motivates students to achieve their best by setting high expectations and providing rich opportunities for learning within a supportive educational environment

Engages students in hands-on learning through a rigorous, content-rich Core Knowledge Curriculum

Encourages teamwork through our award-winning foreign language, history, math, and science departments, classroom projects, and the visual and performing arts program

Ensures small student-teacher ratios (9:1 on average)

Offers a variety of Signature Programs, including the Global Online Academy (GOA), TD's Leadership Academy, Innovation Sciences program, Exploration Days, and connections with our TASIS sister schools in Switzerland, England, and Portugal

Integrates character building through social-emotional learning using the Responsive Classroom and The Social Institute programs

Cultivates sophisticated critical thinking skills through a wide array of curricular offerings.

Fosters the mastery of multiple languages in our graduates to open doors of opportunity in careers and life.

Supports students in pursuit of their dreams as they become confident, capable, and kind adults 

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